Our city has a lot of people and organizations working hard to make our city better, far too many to list here. We would just like to note a handful making great changes in housing and transportation.
- Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance: Downtown is our city’s economic engine, and the center of public life in Harrisonburg. HDR attracts business and housing downtown, organizes great events, and just makes life downtown better for everyone! They also need plenty of volunteers!
- Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition: Simply put, we love the Bike Coalition. They work tirelessly, as advocates, serving on city boards, and as private citizens, to promote bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Harrisonburg and beyond.
- Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley: In many ways, the Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley is the rural flip side of city planning advocacy. They work to preserve the Shenandoah Valley from urban and suburban encroachment, often from needless car-dependent development.